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Fear of a Web Law

Ben Goldacre responded to Gillian McKeith with a Tweet that asked her to chat with him about Libel. He has a very strong opinion about libel suppressing free speech which comes from years of opposing it’s use by Pharmaceutical giants.

The response was one of distancing ‘Gillian McKeith’ from her on-line records. This appears to be so that, in a court of law, she can claim that they are nothing to do with her.

An interesting experiment might be to trawl through everything she has said via Twitter, and break the copyright on them. Lets say we do this – print any previous comments by her onto T-shirts and sell them to raise money for a Charity, or even better, set up a legal-aid type fund to help people caught in pointless litigation cases involving Libel that is actually suppressing free speech. Call it the ‘@gillianmckeith fund’.

Then we can see how fast she ‘owns’ those statements.

BBC News – Be careful what you tweet

Vanishing tweets start argument between Gillian McKeith and Ben Goldacre | News & Politics | News & Comment | The First Post

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Jack of Kent: The Integrity and Honesty of @gillianmckeith